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Fire safety design

We provide professional fire safety engineering services across a broad range of projects to developers, building owners, designers and builders. Fire safety engineering is at the core of our business. We offer fire safety engineering services throughout the life of the entire project, from concept design through detailed design, construction and occupation.

We have projects across the whole of Sweden and can assist in all types of projects that need a verification of the fire safety measures regardless of which phase the project is in.

Our engineering team use fundamental and advanced understanding of fire science, building codes and relevant standards together with our practical experience to develop innovative, cost effective, practical fire safety solutions that meet both project and regulatory requirements. We are focused on helping our clients with their most challenging projects.

Our fire safety engineering services include –

  • Performance-based fire safety design
  • Fire safety analysis of smoke control systems, building detection/alarm and suppression systems.
  • Evacuation modelling
  • Fire and smoke modelling
  • Timber building design
  • Design and development of building fire safety strategies.
  • Negotiation with the authorities and relevant stakeholders

Combustible products in the built environment can create extensive fire safety challenges.
It, therefore requires more competence and that the employment of holistic fire safety assessment .

We have great experience working with fire safety in timber buildings and will help you find the most effective solutions for fire safety in your project.

We have also held over 100 seminars internationally regarding fire safety in timber buildings. If your company works with timber buildings or are interested in learning more , contact us and we will help answering your questions.

Sustainable fire safety

How can a fire have an environmental effect and which level of fire safety gives the best sustainability for a buildings’ complete life cycle? How can we reduce the use of unnecessary materials and products for fire safety? These are questions we work with to find answers to in building projects.

RED Participates in and drives research and development in both Australia and Sweden for the fire safe use of new or recycled materials and products in building projects.